Business Survey Postcode AreaNumber of Employees(Required)Nature of Business(Required) Services Manufacturing UK Sales(Required)Include sales, bookings and orders within the United Kingdom Better Same Worse Overseas SalesInclude sales, bookings and orders from overseas and Europe Better Same Worse Workforce - Last Three Months(Required) Increased Same Decreased Workforce - Next Three Months(Required) Increased Same Decreased Attempted to recruit?(Required)Have you attempted to recruit staff in the last three months? Yes No Capital Investment(Required)Have you made capital investment plans over the last three months? More Same Less N/A Training Investment(Required)Have you made training investment plans over the last three months? More Same Less N/A Cashflow(Required)How has your cashflow changed over the last three months? Better Same Worse Turnover(Required)Over the next 12 months, how do you think your turnover will change? Better Same Worse Profitability(Required)Over the next 12 months, how do you think your profitability will change? Better Same Worse Capacity(Required)What capacity level are you currently operating at? Full Capacity Below Capacity Prices(Required)How do you think your prices will change over the next three months? Higher Same Lower Business PressuresIs your business suffering from any of these business pressures? Tick all that apply. Labour Costs Raw Materials Utilities Fuel Finance Other Other PressuresBusiness ConcernsWhat factors are of a concern for your business? Tick all that apply. Interest Rates Exchange Rates Business Rates Inflation Competition Taxation Other Other ConcernsCommentsTell us what you really thinkCommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.